Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas 2007 at Alicia's

Alicia got her new Honda100 motorbike.
Steve Jacqui and Boston came up, we had christmas dinner/lunch together, it was good to be with them again. just to get a hug from them all and Boston was worth the drive down.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Camping on the Tablelands Nov 2007

Originally uploaded by Bill Hutchings
We left the highway at Kennedy up the range to Blenco falls, Beautiful drive through the rain forrest the road was good no rain to make it difficult, we camped there for two days I recommend this spot, Rick & I hiked up to the falls from our camp about 2 hrs up and down track.
From there west stopping for smoko at rudd creek, and getting going we made it to the kennedy highway stopping for lunch at Mt Garnet.
We made it to Ravenshoe with plenty of time to spare so we did some shopping, Rick & Gloria needed some Groceries and I bought a cig AA battery charger for our cameras, the girls had a look at some art shop.
We set up camp at koombaloomba dam in time to get dinner / Tea on.
we went hiking to the tully falls couldn't see anything, the Dam here is the storage for tully river hydro power station and the white water rafting, no other users get the water.
Staying for a few days we drove up to Atherton and Mareeba looking at the districts attractions, did some fishing out of the canoe I caught a small silver bream but that was it, the other campers were saying they never caught much either.
I was planning to go on to Chilagoe but ran out of time so we packed up and headed down to the coast, making camp at Henreitta creek on the palmerston highway.
breaking camp early after breakfast of bacon & Eggs we headed to Tully where we stocked up on some more groceries and made camp at Murray falls campsite, this was the last night of camping and the ninth night sleeping in the back of our landcruiser.
the Motel at Cardwell was wonderful, airconditioner on, a nice hot shower even though we had our own shower at camp a motel is always nice.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dion & Mardi & Harry Visit to Australia 2007

Originally uploaded by Bill Hutchings
August 2007. Dion, Mardi & Harry holiday in Australia, We went to Mooloolaba Beach, Australia Zoo,

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Originally uploaded by Bill Hutchings
the one that got away! was this BIG

Alicia came up for the week in August 2007, we asked Rick if we could go down to his hut for a few days.
We couldn't have asked for better weather, caught some fish too.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

August 2007

Originally uploaded by Bill Hutchings
Took Cassandra and Ross and friend for a plane ride over the district, we went down to camp Island up along the beach to Cape Bowling green over to the Barratas and back, having a look at all the fishing spots. about one hour ten minutes.
Nice flying! The weather was a bit cloudy but not too bumpy.

I gave the controls to Ross for a try, he handled it ok too.
Thanks Ross

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Flight up to Tully, 30July 2007

Barry asked me to go with him up to visit a friend oh his in Tully, the weather was beautiful, over the Hinchinbrook Channel and in Tully.

Beach Party, August 2007

Lesley & I went to the beach, a couple of jobs had be done and then we set up the camp tarp and relaxed for a few hours, watched the sun go down over the dunes, cooked up some steak and chips and watched the Moon come up over the beautiful coral sea.

Flight back from Temora, March 2007

A Guy I know bought a cessna 177 cardinal and asked me if I would help bring it back home, I didn't hesitate, yep! I said, and thought, what! you havn't flown for three months dimwit, well I went out to the aerodrome and did some circuits and thought I'll be alright it'll be just a lesurely fly home, and it was, before I could say anymore Barry rang, "I have the tickets" on Virgin to Sydney and then Qantas to Wagga and the previous aircraft owner picked us up at the Wagga Airport and drove us the hour to Temora and his home, first barry had to go and look at his new toy.

Very nice!

That afternoon we had a look through the
they have heaps of planes Spitfire, SaberJet, Trojan, alsorts, worth having a look, they say that all the exhibits are in flying condition and fly at least once a month.
Then I took the cessna up for a check to see if all would be ok for the trip home. had a little bit of trouble I forgot to run up the constant speed and it started to surge on the takeoff roll and I had to abort, but after that it was warmed up enough to continue, did one circuit and all was ok.

The first day 5hrs we went by way of Temora just near the Vic Border and Albury, to Walgett for fuel and then to Roma for an overnight stay and more fuel the next day to Emerald for fuel and then to Ayr another 5hrs and the plane went fantasticly.

previous owner Ian and his wife

new owner Barry his baby and wife

Monday, June 18, 2007

Quick visit to Brisbane June 2007

We went down to Brisbane for a queensland health meeting and stayed a few more days to visit Alicia David and then Steve + Jacqui + Boston, we enjoyed the visit a lot, to see Boston again was fantastic, he is starting to talk now using words like Mama, Dada, Nana, Popy.
The meeting was good it was about a new concept we are introducing into the system, it seems it is an american idea where a peer specialist is employed in hospitals to make communication with mental patients more user friendly, Mum is thinking about looking futher into it.
we went shopping with Alicia, Mum enjoyed that, she always wanted a daughter to go shopping with, the sad thing is Alicia doesn't like shopping that much.
Steve cooked some nice meals while we were there, I played cars with Boston on the lounge room floor.

Iam sorry it was such a short stay.

Well Bye for now

Monday, February 26, 2007


Originally uploaded by Bill Hutchings.
Lesley had an accident missed the step on the front stair case and put her hand through the window

Friday, February 02, 2007

Beackonsfield Gold Mine, Tasmania, Dec 2006

Davenport, Tasmania

Originally uploaded by Bill Hutchings.

December 2006, Lesley & I visited Geoff & Robin in Launceston for Shaunna's wedding, We stayed for about 10days.
While we were there Robin loaned us her car and drove to Hobart and Port Arthur, it only takes 2.5hrs to cross north to south of the entire state of Tasmania.
we saw a Tasmanian devil, some fairy penguins

and some of the loveliest scenery i have ever seen.
We had a ride on a cable chair lift across Cataract Gorge Launceston.

Click on the light house and go to flickr, have a look at the photo's on flickr and see what you think?

Riverway, Tville

Originally uploaded by Bill Hutchings.
Nov 2006 another cell group picnic at Riverway, This area is nice with swimming pools everywhere it right on the bank of ross river up near willows, there is water skiing on the river also.

We had a barbq for lunch with other cell groups from our church.

A very nice day out.

Lounge Room Floor

Oct 2006 We Finished the lounge room floor at last! The lino was the hardest, it was glued like you would not believe, after the stripper we had to get down and scrape the glue off using turps and a scraper doing an area of about 6" square at a time.

But it is worth it, don't you reckon?